Heartbreak Beautiful
In my analysis of 'Heartbreak Beautiful' I was able to come up with some interesting shot ideas. The first like "We are heartbreak beautiful when time stand still" gave me the idea of having a shot where the character is standing in the middle of the field, looking as if shes been frozen in time, whilst the camera pans around her in a circular, 360 motion. The only example of this that I could think of was a scene that I have seen in the film The Matrix, in which they use the frozen wraparound effect during a fight scene. This may be difficult or even impossible to achieve with the editing equipment I have available, but it would be an interesting an effective shot to use which will need more research in order to make it a reality. This shot also shows a relationship between lyrics and visuals, putting into effect Goodwin's theory.
Continuing my knowledge of Goodwin's theory I would like to amplify the lyric "When your life flashes before your eyes will it be beautiful" by using a white flash effect used as a transition between fast paced flashbacks, around 0.5 seconds apart. This will be effective and eye catching for the audience.
Another interesting scene that I have though of whilst analysing my lyrics was for the chorus at the end. The girl in the flashbacks and the girl in the field will both be the same girl, however I thought an interesting idea would be to make the girl in the flashbacks suddenly run out of the last split screen scene she was in as if she was running from the situation. She ends up running to the field where she sees herself lip synching to the words. Both versions of the girl look at eachother, cutting to a close up of the field girl lip synching the words "Will it be beautiful?" to the flashback girl. We then cut to a close up of her looking straight into the camera and then back down. This scene would be unanticipated by a viewer, and would stick in their mind as it is at the end of the video. This would possibly entice them to rewatch the video again. I have seen tutorials online of how to achieve this kind of shot, however lighting could be a problem. This would have to be overcome by doing the shots immediately after eachother. Here is a tutorial that I have found explaining how to achieve the effect:
Continuing my knowledge of Goodwin's theory I would like to amplify the lyric "When your life flashes before your eyes will it be beautiful" by using a white flash effect used as a transition between fast paced flashbacks, around 0.5 seconds apart. This will be effective and eye catching for the audience.
Another interesting scene that I have though of whilst analysing my lyrics was for the chorus at the end. The girl in the flashbacks and the girl in the field will both be the same girl, however I thought an interesting idea would be to make the girl in the flashbacks suddenly run out of the last split screen scene she was in as if she was running from the situation. She ends up running to the field where she sees herself lip synching to the words. Both versions of the girl look at eachother, cutting to a close up of the field girl lip synching the words "Will it be beautiful?" to the flashback girl. We then cut to a close up of her looking straight into the camera and then back down. This scene would be unanticipated by a viewer, and would stick in their mind as it is at the end of the video. This would possibly entice them to rewatch the video again. I have seen tutorials online of how to achieve this kind of shot, however lighting could be a problem. This would have to be overcome by doing the shots immediately after eachother. Here is a tutorial that I have found explaining how to achieve the effect:
In the first like "It's hard to believe what you're telling me" I have thought about doing a close up of a text from the girls boyfriend, saying something along the lines of "I didn't mean to hurt you", and then a medium shot of her reaction. This would amplify the lyrics and make the audience want to keep watching to find out what the boy has done.
During the fourth line "Then I would walk right past you and not worry what life brings" I will try and subtley hint at the lyrics by having the girl walk out of the room.
The the lyrics in the bridge will be amplified ("This has got to stop I can't keep running back to you") by the girl shaking her head as if trying not to think about him, or remembering how he cheated on her.
The lyrics in the 2nd verse however will be contradicted, as although they are quite negative ("'Cos everytime I think of what you did I want to cry") these shots will consist of her and her friends out having fun, possibly at a pub/club or at the fair.
The last line "'Cos I'm all I need" could be portrayed in 2 ways. The two idea's I have come up with are that she throws away the new guys number that she has met in the previous scene, or it could be a shot of her walking away with her friends linking arms, where she turns her head round to the camera and lip synchs the lyric, both emphasize the idea of the song that she doesn't need a man.
This song will also use the notion of looking more, as there will be screens and direct address with the character lip synching, showing more of Goodwin's theory than 'Heartbreak Beautiful'.
The ideas that I have come up with in Innocent are typically narrative ideas, unlike Heartbreak Beautiful where I have had to come up with quite interesting and abstract shots for lack of a story. In order to make 'Innocent' stand out I would need to consider some more interesting angles for shots to keep the viewer interested, possibly including some editing effects such as colourisation or creative transitions.
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